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Thursday, April 23, 2009

religious references in pop culture.

So after our class on monday I thought a lot about how religion is communicated with music. Then I started thinking about pop culture and how they reference to any sort of religions and how the viewer interprets it. Is there a strong impact for the viewers interpretation of that religion? I believe there probably is, and i was curious to what extent does our pop culture influence the change in religions evolving? Its totally natural for religion to evolve as societies and the world around it evolves, but would this be considered like a steroid to the growth of a society's development? Heres a music video that i thought of when I was considering this idea. I encourage you to watch it once all the way through and not think to hard about it, just be entertained. Then think about how it makes you feel... whether you believe that the video is accurate or not of your knowledge of the religion it references to how does it make you feel about it? Does the images associated with the spiritual references conflict for you at first than you become comfortable with? Can you step back from yourself and see how your views or even just images you didn't think could be associated with this religion are not put together and your okay with it.

1 comment:

  1. Ali i agree that there definitely is a connection there. My post this week, i compared the affect of religion in media to violence in media. Just as there is a desensitization to violence, i think there is to religion in some ways too. Great post.

    Also, I would recommend putting the video actually in your post. It would make it easier to see and would count for the assignment. I can show you how if you want.
